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Disclaimers and points you must be aware of
1. Final Shape of Box & Packaging: About the shape of the box and product packings that reach you from India travel through many warehouses received and dispatched and hence the overall shape of the box or picking inside can be deformed from the original state. It is advisable to restrict your parcel to a 15 kgs pack, however, we have sent it to the permissible limit of 20Kgs where the box withers a lot by the time it reaches you.
2. Product restrictions: Even though we only get to send what is allowed by shipping authorities in India, there are times when the receiving overseas country may decide to take out any items as per their country’s quarantine or customs rules. Do not send items that are restricted by your overseas country’s import policies and also by the export rules of India. IndoGini team guides on what to avoid.
3. Custom Duties: There are times when some items will invite custom duties as per the country’s customs rules and those customs duties are passed as it is to the customer in a transparent way.
4. We Liason: In principle, IndoGini is not responsible for the contents the customer decides to send through our system. IndoGini is not liable for any issue which relates to the product. IndoGini supports buying, picking, consolidating, packing, and shipping on customers' behalf and limits the liability to that work only.
5. When you interact with IndoGini, we assume you have taken into consideration above points beforehand.
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