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About DirectBharatSe

How We Got Here

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The DirectBharatSe journey originated within the inspiring halls of Tokyo's Globis School of Management. It was during a Venture Management class that the founders' minds ignited with the purpose of resolving a genuine issue faced by hardworking Indians residing outside their homeland. In spite of having the means to buy, Indians living outside India have access to a  fraction of the amazing goods that are available in India. Also, with aging parents back home, NRIs do not want to bother them, family or friends for procuring their own goods for living outside India.

Their guiding light was the principle of "Sanpo Yoshi," inspired by Omi Shonin, which embodies the idea of "Three-Way Satisfaction."

In line with this philosophy, they ensured that every commercial transaction brought benefits to all parties involved, not just themselves. These benefits were distributed across three facets:
- Urite Yoshi (売り手よし)* — Favorable for the SELLER
- Kaite Yoshi (買い手よし)* — Beneficial for the BUYER
- Seken Yoshi (世間よし)* — Positive impact on SOCIETY

The seed of the idea germinated from the unmet needs of NRIs, seeking a direct connection to the rich plethora of India's diverse and trending goods in real time. Often confined to the limited selection at local grocery stores, NRIs longed for a broader spectrum of items. These stores might sometimes offer products past their prime, with a restricted variety or brands that didn't align with the Indian market's pulse.

Simultaneously, the founders aspired to cultivate a global platform for Indian sellers, extending beyond groceries and packed foods to encompass the myriad talents of indigenous artists and small-scale entrepreneurs. A cornerstone of their vision was fostering increased employment opportunities within India.

From this confluence of aspirations, the concept of DirectBharatSe emerged — a singular, expansive marketplace exclusively catering to NRIs' desires for direct access to goods from India. IndoGini is not just about products; it's about empowering sellers in India to tap into international markets and granting a dedicated buddy (akin to services like Zomato or Uber) meaningful employment. In this harmonious ecosystem, all three stakeholders reap the rewards of this service in a mutually.

enriching manner. Additionally, 1% of the proceeds go in the education welfare of underprivileged kids in India.

So when you use DirectBharatSe service, you are also serving society in a positive manner.

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